Evening Meeting of The Wynkyn de Worde Society

Jabez Hare – Commercial Wood Engraver: An illustrated talk by Martin Andrews

Wednesday 5 March 2025, The Art Workers’ Guild, 6:30pm

Martin Andrews will be giving us an illustrated talk about wood engraver Jabez Hare.

Jabez Hare learnt his craft in Ipswich, where he established a firm that lasted for three generations, specialising in the illustration of engineering and, in particular, agricultural machinery. The discovery of a copybook of Hare’s business letters of 1846 –1847 in the Bodleian Library revealed rare details of everyday life in a wood-engraving firm, from costings and billing, to commissions to illustrate a train crash and an Indian elephant plough. This illustrated talk will look at Hare’s career and the techniques of commercial wood-engraving.


After graduating from Reading University’s Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, Martin Andrews began his career as an exhibition and museum designer. In 1990 he returned to the Typography Department as a lecturer, and as well as teaching graphic design, developed his interests in printing history, eventually taking over the teaching of the subject and developing the department’s extensive printing archive and collection. He has given talks in this country and abroad and published numerous articles and books, including a biography of the artist, wood-engraver and director of the Golden Cockerel Press, Robert Gibbings, and the printer and illustrator Rena Gardiner. Since retirement he has designed a museum of Greek archaeology, a medical museum at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, and one for Oxford University Press. He has also contributed to television programmes and consulted on set designs involving printing for period dramas. He is additionally an artist and printmaker.

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